Every month we see more digital forensics pros making the
leap from EnCase® Forensic v6 to v7. We know that many in our EnCase community
gained cutting-edge skills with v6, yet more and more of you are attracted to
v7 by our continuing focus on software maturity, stability, and a natural
workflow that can be customized to work exactly the way you do, day by day. With
each release, new features like distributed processing, remote forensic
capability, and the rich and fully tested treasure trove of EnScripts® and apps
in EnCase® App Central mean additional investigative power for you and your
Ease the Transition
with a Two-Part Webinar
Join us on December 10th and later on January 14th
for a walk-through of the steps involved in moving from v6 to v7 as
presented by one of our master Guidance Software EnCase trainers.