If you have been reading this so far while thinking any of the following “What? C# and EnScript? When did this happen?” Check out this one for a little intro. My goal in this post is to show you how to debug your C# code while EnScript is calling it. Yes! You can do that!
Showing posts with label Automation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Automation. Show all posts
EnScript and .NET: Debugging in Visual Studio
I have been working on a few projects lately using C# and integrating it with EnScript code, and of course I run into problems in my code. Sometimes the problem is in the EnScript code, but other times it is in the C# code. To be honest, it is more often in the C# code since I have spent less time in that language than EnScript. Especially in the context of making a DLL to interface with EnScript.
If you have been reading this so far while thinking any of the following “What? C# and EnScript? When did this happen?” Check out this one for a little intro. My goal in this post is to show you how to debug your C# code while EnScript is calling it. Yes! You can do that!
If you have been reading this so far while thinking any of the following “What? C# and EnScript? When did this happen?” Check out this one for a little intro. My goal in this post is to show you how to debug your C# code while EnScript is calling it. Yes! You can do that!
- Posted by: James Habben
- On: 3/04/2015
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- Categories: .NET , Automation , EnCase App Central , EnScript , Integration
EnCase and Python – Automating Windows Phone 8 Analysis
Roll Call
You may have read my introductory post about using Python scripts with encase. You may have also read my part 2 follow-up, which put a GUI on top of Didier Stevens’ pdf-parser. Did you also read Kevin Breen’s post? He wrote about using EnScript to call out to David Kovar’s analyzemft script using EnScript. Then Chip wrote a post about sending data out to get parsed by parser-usnjrnl.
- Posted by: Miller
- On: 10/13/2014
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- Categories: Automation , EnScript , Integration , Python , Windows Phone