It wasn’t that long ago that we celebrated the 10,000th
download at EnCase®
App Central. As a source of excellent and fully tested apps that solve real
problems for digital investigators, we are extremely pleased that it has become
a regular stop for our EnCase community of developers and investigative pros.
Memory Analysis is Most Downloaded as EnCase App Central Tops 15,000 Downloads
New Flexible Reporting Template in EnCase App Central
Recently, a new type of app was added to the EnCase App Central store: the Flexible Examination Report Template. We’re excited to offer this new Case Template, to the EnCase community. If you haven’t done so already, check out EnCase App Central to download the template for free.
Report Templates are used to store the configurations and customizations an investigator makes for a given case, to be reused and reapplied for other similar cases. This template provides a simple, Bookmark structure that is designed to be easy to work with and modify. In this post, I’ll walk you how this new tool can help make your investigations more efficient.
Open for Business: Proactive Discovery Joins Technology Alliance Program
This week we celebrate bringing
Proactive Discovery, a leader in the high-tech crime investigations and
e-discovery services markets, into our Guidance Software Technology Alliance
Program. I’m delighted to have Martin
Siefert and his team as part of the alliance. They are sharp developers with
deep expertise developing apps that extend our core EnCase® technology–and that
make a difference to investigators and information security professionals every
Proactive Discovery has a proven record of developing
custom EnCase solutions to solve specific challenges faced by their
customers, ranging from forensic tools to custom data carvers to enterprise
incident-response tools and more. Integrating their work with EnCase is a great
example of how we’re proving what our CEO, Victor Limongelli, said in his
welcome keynote at CEIC 2013 last May: Guidance Software and EnCase are “open
for business.”
- Posted by: Siemens
- On: 10/22/2013
- No comments
- Categories: Development , Integration , Technology Alliance Program
Image Analyzer – A Case Simulation in EnCase Forensic
A new release of Image Analyzer is now available on App Central that now supports the scanning of images for pornographic content in both entries and records. This means investigators can analyze images in the records tab that have been extracted from email archives and compounded files.
Let’s take a look at how an investigator might use Image Analyzer as part of an investigation involving email misuse in a large corporate environment.
- Posted by: Miller
- On: 10/14/2013
- No comments
- Categories: EnCase App Central , Explicit Image Detection , Image Analyzer , Integration
Image Analyzer – Categorizer App for Pictures
The task of correctly identifying pornographic images in either criminal or civil investigations can be very time consuming and is often like looking for a ‘needle in a haystack’. A single case can contain thousands or even millions of images, most of which are not relevant to the investigation. Even when reviewing images in a convenient thumbnail gallery, a human can only moderate about 5000 images per hour when fatigue is taken into consideration. Therefore cases requiring image review are typically labour intensive and are often postponed; creating a backlog of cases which further compounds the issue.
- Posted by: Miller
- On: 10/03/2013
- No comments
- Categories: EnCase App Central , Explicit Image Detection , Image Analyzer , Integration