Image Analyzer – Categorizer App for Pictures

Robert Bond

The task of correctly identifying pornographic images in either criminal or civil investigations can be very time consuming and is often like looking for a ‘needle in a haystack’. A single case can contain thousands or even millions of images, most of which are not relevant to the investigation. Even when reviewing images in a convenient thumbnail gallery, a human can only moderate about 5000 images per hour when fatigue is taken into consideration. Therefore cases requiring image review are typically labour intensive and are often postponed; creating a backlog of cases which further compounds the issue.

Guidance Software and Digital Intelligence Partner with PROTECT and it’s H.E.R.O. Corp

Robert Bond

The National Association to Protect Children, PROTECT, is an organization with a mission to rescue children from abuse and exploitation. The organization has grown in size and support since it was founded in 2003, and its list of accomplishments includes drafting and supporting the passage of the landmark legislation, Alicia’s Law.

EnCase Evidence Processor Manager: Working the Backlog

Ken Mizota

I am often asked the question: "When is EnCase going to be able to distribute processing?" EnCase customers have a naturally voracious appetite for processing: As case backlogs grow over time and technology. I’ll define a backlog as a set of evidence, awaiting review by an Investigator. While EnCase Evidence Processor introduced powerful automation capabilities, the task of centrally distributing, prioritizing and managing evidence processing has been largely left up to the best effort of the Investigator.

IEF Evidence Processor Module for EnCase v7

Lance Mueller

Magnet Forensics has released the Internet Evidence FinderTM (IEF) Evidence Processor Module for EnCase v7. The IEF Evidence Processor Module for EnCase v7 is designed to assist digital investigators with their workflow by allowing them to run Internet Evidence Finder (IEF) from within EnCase, without the need to start IEF separately and point to the same evidence files you already have loaded in EnCase.

EnCase App Central Delivers its 10,000th App

Guidance Software

EnCase App Central opened its virtual doors in early spring this year with the goal of providing functionality and efficiency to EnCase users by offering EnScripts, templates, and 3rd party Apps. After just a few months, driven by the power of the EnCase community and our 3rd party partners; App Central has become the primary source of efficiency-driving solutions for the tens of thousands of EnCase users worldwide.