EnScript® Showcase – EnCase® App Central, Evidence Management and Reporting

Part 3 of 3 – Reporting with Quick Report

Robert Batzloff

This series of blog posts has focused on keeping your investigation organized and presenting your evidence in a clear, correct and readable format. Clarity, as well as brevity, is key when delivering digital forensic evidence to those who don’t work in the field. This evidence can be dense and hard to understand. Your job is to make the relevant information apparent and easy to digest. You want the information you present to be easy to explain and defend because opposing council will leap at the chance to capitalize on any potential ignorance regarding digital forensics.

As reporting is the final step in an investigation, we’ll close this blog series by looking at my favorite reporting EnScript: Quick Report Lite

Quick Report Lite

Download Here

Brett Liddicoet’s Quick Report EnScript creates a fully linked HTML report from the examiners selected bookmark folders. Bookmarks, they’re like the gift that keeps giving. As mentioned before the bookmarks create the outline for the report, so a well-organized bookmark structure will result in a clear, readable report.

Brett’s script makes it incredibly easy for you to customize the report’s logo, requiring no HTML, and it also allows you to link reports from other forensic tools and other external files. Quick Report makes it easy to create and submit reports from the field or quickly share up to the minute updates on a case’s status. This report can also be easily distributed on CD or USB and it’s compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.

Launch Quick Report from EnScript menu bar when your investigation is complete and you’re ready to create a report. Once launched, Quick Report’s menu opens in its own window. From here you can select which bookmark folders you’d like to include in the report. You can choose which format you’d prefer the contained data be displayed as well as which logo and case information you want attached to the report. Selecting a new logo is easy and only requires a destination folder. You can also add external links in the same way from this menu.

Once you have chosen all your settings, select ok and the fully-linked report will open in your default browser. You can see that the custom logo is displayed on the top left, the case info and linked bookmark folders just below it, and the selected bookmark folder’s contents to the right.

All relevant files displayed on the right also feature an icon in their top right corner. This is a hyperlink that reveals further data regarding the bookmarked item.

Brett’s EnScript is available in the free Lite version discussed here, as well as a pro version for $39.00 that includes customizable templates, print options and more.

Thank you once more for reading. The four EnScripts I've written about in this showcase, as well over a 100 more can be found at EnCase App Central for absolutely free.

 Oh, wait.
I plan to post several more blogs showcasing the EnScripts available at EnCase App Central. If there is an EnScript category you would like me to cover or maybe a single EnScript you think deserves some more coverage or if you’d like a tutorial for any of the 150+ available EnScripts, please let me know in the comments.

You can also connect with EnCase App Central via their Twitter account (@EnCase_Apps), where you can find links to all the new or updated EnScripts the day they’re made available.

If you have any questions regarding the EnScripts discussed in this blog post you can email EnCase App Central directly encaseappcentral@guidancesoftware.com or utilize the EnCase App Central support portal, each EnScript developer has a discussion board dedicated to answering questions or posting more information about their EnScripts.

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