EnScript Changes From EnCase Version 6 to Version 7

You may know that Version 6 of EnCase keeps the majority of data in memory, which gives you fast access to the evidence items in a case, but is not conducive to handling large data sets. In addition, keeping most data in memory requires that records and entries be handled separately.

EnCase Version 7 behaves in a similar way to a database in that working through multiple evidence items is accomplished using an iterator. This makes for more stable processing and allows the EnScript programmer to handle both entries and records in a more streamlined way. It is possible, for instance, to iterate through all of the evidence items in a case (entries and e-mail attachments, for instance), quickly identifying those items that are pictures or documents.

It’s very common for EnScript programmers to want to migrate their EnCase v6 workflows to EnCase v7. In doing so, it’s good to consider the fact that the EnCase v7 evidence processor was designed to reduce the number of additional steps you have to take (hash and signature analysis, thumbnail creation, Registry pre-processing, etc.) before a review of the evidence in a case can begin. Taking this into account, some tasks might be better performed using a custom evidence processor module, an example of which is to be found in the following folder –

     <EnCase Program Folder>\EnScript\EvidenceProcessor

The example is called DemoModule.EnScript. It can be activated by un-commenting the first line in ModuleList.EnScript, which is in the same folder.

Iterating EntryClass objects in a case

EntryClass now inherits from ItemClass. ItemClass represents other classes such as BookmarkClass and RecordClass.

There is a new method of iterating items in a case, and it uses ItemIteratorClass. This allows a script to iterate all ItemClass objects that are records or entries, or items in a result-set, in one pass.
forall (EntryClass entry in c.EntryRoot()) {
ItemIteratorClass iter
            (c, ItemIteratorClass::NORECURSE |
while (EntryClass entry = iter.GetNextEntry()) {
ItemIteratorClass::NOPROXY is an enumerator specifying that EnCase should not return a proxy object, i.e., one that has dynamically calculated properties such as hash and file-signature. This will save some time during the iteration.

When using an iterator to iterate tagged items or those in a result-set, the list of tags or the result-set name is stored in the ItemIteratorClass::Name() property, which allows the iterator to be re-opened without having to re-prompt the user for the same information.

Iterating through items currently in view (using one of the ItemIteratorClass::CURRENTVIEW iteration modes) is generally much quicker because it processes those items that are already loaded into memory.

Objects returned via an iterator only have life during their own iteration; they cannot be stored in an array or linked-list like they could in EnCase v6. Attempting to do so will, at best, generate an internal error.

One way around this is to obtain and store an ItemMonikerClass object (a collection of three GUIDs) for each item and then use an instance of ItemCacheClass (see below) to resolve the each moniker back to an item. This is generally quite slow, so it’s usually better to process each item at the time it’s returned by the iterator.

Accessing individual devices

EnCase v7 has added a layer between the DeviceClass object and the CaseClass object. The interface is EvidenceClass and it represents the properties of the evidence file that contains a device. The device is still obtainable.
foreach (DeviceClass dev in c.DeviceRoot()) {
foreach (EvidenceClass ev in c.EvidenceRoot()) {
  EvidenceOpenClass evOpen();
  if (DeviceClass dev = ev.GetDevice(c, evOpen)) {

Iterating EntryClass objects in a device

There is another method in ItemIteratorClass that accepts a DeviceClass as a parameter, and then will present each of the entries contained in the device in the same way as it does when passing the CaseClass object mention previously.
foreach (DeviceClass dev in c.DeviceRoot()) {
  foreach (EntryClass entry in dev.GetRootEntry()) {
foreach (EvidenceClass ev in c.EvidenceRoot()) {
  EvidenceOpenClass evOpen();
  if (DeviceClass dev = ev.GetDevice(c, evOpen)) {
    ItemIteratorClass iter(dev);
      while (EntryClass entry = iter.GetNextEntry()) {

Currently Highlighted Entry

EnCase has allowed for a script to get an object representing the entry that the examiner currently has highlighted. In v7, the capability is expanded to getting the current ItemClass object, which again could be an EntryClass, BookmarkClass, RecordClass, etc.
if (EntryClass entry = c.GetEntry(offset, size)) {
if (EntryClass entry = 
    EntryClass::TypeCast(c.GetCurrentItem(offset, size))) {

Working With File Data

A consistent way of working with the file-data associated with both records and entries is to use ItemCacheClass:

Bookmark Folders

Bookmark folders have changed very little. That said, BookmarkClass is now used to create bookmark folders instead of BookmarkFolderClass.
BookmarkFolderClass folder(c.BookmarkRoot(), “folder name”);
BookmarkClass folder
              (c.BookmarkRoot(), “folder name”, NodeClass::FOLDER);
A class called BookmarkFolderClass still exists, but it is now used to create a graphical representation of an ItemClass folder and any sub-folders.

Bookmarks In General

Bookmarks are now separate objects that need to be declared instead of being created from a method called on the target bookmark folder.

Notes Bookmark

folder.AddNote(“some text for a note”, …);
BookmarkClass note(folder, “name of note”);
note.SetComment(“some text for a note”);

Notes can also be linked to ItemClass objects using the CopyItemData() method shown below.

Notable File Bookmark

folder.AddBookmark(entry, 0, 0, …);
BookmarkItemClass bmDecCls(folder, entry.Name());
bmDecCls.CopyItemData(entry); // Will set the name of the bookmark
// automatically. If you want a custom // name use the SetName() method after // using CopyItemData()

Highlighted Data Bookmark

folder.AddBookmark(entry, 10, 50, …);
BookmarkDecodeClass bmDecCls(folder, entry.Name());

BookmarkTextClass bookmarks are similar to BookmarkDecodeClass bookmarks, but default to showing file-data as text.

Data Bookmarks

BookmarkDataClass bmDatCls(folder, “name of data”);

Note that custom data bookmarks (those that are represented by a custom class inheriting from NodeClass or NameListClass) invariably require the use of a custom HandlerClass object in order to display their data correctly.

Data bookmarks can also be linked to ItemClass objects using the CopyItemData() method mentioned above.

Constructing Class Objects That Have DateClass, GUIDClass or Other Similar Members

DateClass, GUIDClass and other similar class objects behave like fundamental types in EnScript. In EnCase Version 6 it was possible to write the following code. Note the highlighted sections:

The DateClass object being passed into the constructor can, in EnCase v6, have a default null value.

In EnCase v7 this is not permitted: DateClass::Null must be used instead. The following code demonstrates this. Again, note the highlighted sections:

It should be noted that the above code will run in both EnCase Version 6 and Version 7.

Originally written by James Habben james.habben@encase.com
Last updated 12th March 2014 by Simon Key simon.key@encase.com

James Habben is Instructor III and Simon Key is Curriculum Developer III in the Training Department at Guidance Software.

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